Use in Projects

Use the Rosely palette in your own projects.

2 minute read

Rosely comes in many formats to cover a wide range of project types and tech stacks. Its colors and palettes have especially been designed for UI elements and code syntax highlighting often found in projects build with web technologies like websites.


Next to the available color swatches for your favorite applications, Rosely is available in many module formats for various CSS preprocessors.


Sass is a CSS preprocessor and extension language. Rosely can be used simply by declaring the colour palettes as variables:

$rosely0: #27272a;
$rosely1: #615F5F;
$rosely2: #A49E9E;
$rosely3: #F4EEE8;
$rosely4: #EC809E;
$rosely5: #F7CACA;
$rosely6: #F8D7DD;
$rosely7: #F4DEDE;
$rosely8: #85677B;
$rosely9: #B565A7;
$roselyA: #BE9CC1;
$roselyB: #D2C4D6;
$roselyC: #D2386C;
$roselyD: #64BFA4;
$roselyE: #3CADD4;
$roselyF: #EADA4F;

// Example
body {
  background-color: $rosely5;
  color: $rosely0;


Less is a dynamic CSS preprocessor and extension language that was influenced by Sass and has influenced the newer SCSS syntax.

@rosely0: #27272a;
@rosely1: #615F5F;
@rosely2: #A49E9E;
@rosely3: #F4EEE8;
@rosely4: #EC809E;
@rosely5: #F7CACA;
@rosely6: #F8D7DD;
@rosely7: #F4DEDE;
@rosely8: #85677B;
@rosely9: #B565A7;
@roselyA: #BE9CC1;
@roselyB: #D2C4D6;
@roselyC: #D2386C;
@roselyD: #64BFA4;
@roselyE: #3CADD4;
@roselyF: #EADA4F;

body {
  background-color: @rosely5;
  color: @rosely0;


Stylus is a dynamic CSS preprocessor and extension language that was influenced by Sass and Less.

rosely0 = #27272a;
rosely1 = #615F5F;
rosely2 = #A49E9E;
rosely3 = #F4EEE8;
rosely4 = #EC809E;
rosely5 = #F7CACA;
rosely6 = #F8D7DD;
rosely7 = #F4DEDE;
rosely8 = #85677B;
rosely9 = #B565A7;
roselyA = #BE9CC1;
roselyB = #D2C4D6;
roselyC = #D2386C;
roselyD = #64BFA4;
roselyE = #3CADD4;
roselyF = #EADA4F;

body {
  background-color: @rosely5;
  color: @rosely0;


The CSS specification supports the definition of custom properties, often referred to as CSS variables, that contain specific values to be reused throughout a document. They are set using custom property notation (e.g. --rosely8: #88c0d0;) and are accessed using the CSS var() function (e.g. color: var(--rosely8);).

:root {
  --rosely0: #27272a;
  --rosely1: #615F5F;
  --rosely2: #A49E9E;
  --rosely3: #F4EEE8;
  --rosely4: #EC809E;
  --rosely5: #F7CACA;
  --rosely6: #F8D7DD;
  --rosely7: #F4DEDE;
  --rosely8: #85677B;
  --rosely9: #B565A7;
  --roselyA: #BE9CC1;
  --roselyB: #D2C4D6;
  --roselyC: #D2386C;
  --roselyD: #64BFA4;
  --roselyE: #3CADD4;
  --roselyF: #EADA4F;

body {
  background-color: var(--rosely5);
  color: var(--rosely0);

Last modified 2021-01-03: New colour system and drawings (fcd8627)